
Monday, October 22, 2012

I baked: Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies

If you ask my kids, "Do you want to play with that new toy or help mummy to bake in the kitchen?", they would always go for the second option. They're always so eager to help me stir the mix or mash the fruits (or just anything that I let them help with). So, whenever I can, I will pick a recipe that is less messy and kids-friendly so that we can do it together as a weekend or holiday activity.

One day, we made these peanut butter chocolate chip cookies together, as I would be meeting our friends CK and Kenny for dinner and CK is a big fan of peanut butter.  We wanted to make these cute shapes with our cookie moulds, but the dough turned out to be too soft, hence we only managed basic shapes such as heart, circle and gingerbread man shapes. They do spread out quite a bit, hence you may not be able to recognise them by the time they come out of the oven. So perhaps this one is best made as round shapes. But at least we tried :) Good job kids!

Though they didn't look as pretty as I had envisaged them to be, we did love how they tasted, sweet-salty with a slightly chewy texture. The crunchy peanut butter and chocolate chips also added extra texture to it. Baby C and D managed to eat them all by evening. (Well, they did save a very small piece for mummy and daddy.)

Perfect treat for a peanut butter lover ;)

Baby D gives it a big "thumbs up"

Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies
Preparation time: 20-30 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Makes 18-20

125g butter, softened at room temperature
150g chunky peanut butter
200g caster sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
150g plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
75g chocolate chips

1. Lightly grease 2 baking trays with a little butter.

2. Using an electric whisk, beat the butter and peanut butter together in a large mixing bowl. Add the sugar gradually, and beat well.

3. Add the beaten egg, a little at a time, beating well after each addition until it is thoroughly combined.

4. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into the peanut butter mixture. Then, add the chocolate chips and mix to form a soft dough.

Helping mummy in the kitchen

5. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave to chill in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

6. Shape the dough into 20 balls and place them on the prepared baking trays about 5cm apart to allow for spreading during cooking. Flatten them slightly with your hand.

7. Alternatively, you can shape them using cookie moulds. Do note that the cookies spread quite a fair bit during baking so the shapes will most likely change by the time the cookies come out of the oven. (Also only use those basic shapes as the dough is quite soft)

8. Bake in a preheated oven, 190°C for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown. Cool in tray for 5-10 minutes, then transfer the biscuits to a wire rack and leave to cool completely.

*This recipe was featured on Asian Food Channel's FB page on 1 Nov 2012.


  1. That looks great! Haven't tried making cakes...nor cookies. Maybe I can try this...

  2. Looks delicious. Choc chips and peanut butter always goes well together for some reason...

  3. playing in the kitchen is way better than playing with toys! the best part is you actually get to enjoy the finish product! =)

    1. Heheh I wonder how long it will last... but I'm hoping they will love baking/cooking for a very long time. I've got so many recipes to share with them.

  4. Yummeh! I am making that for my weekend chill out session...Probably will reduce a little sugar or else I may just be running up and down my apartment on a sugar high mode.

  5. Yen, I love your peanut butter cookies! It's really a bless that your children enjoy baking with you & they are not allergic to the nuts! I'm going to take Ethan to do a full allergy test by end of this month b4 he starts school next year! So far we only know that he can't eat peanut & pine nuts but it's ok with almond & pistachio!

    1. Oh poor Ethan! I'm also allergic to a few things so I try not to let my kids eat those in case they share the same allergy as me.

  6. Baby D gives these the "THUMBS UP" that's good enough for me - Good job !!

  7. Hi Baby Sumo, I love your peanut butter cookies, look so tempting. If place in front of me I sure won't stop munching. LOL

    Your kids so lovely, *hugs them*

    Have a nice week ahead.

    1. My mum and kids finished it in record time. They said it was very nice ;)

  8. What a delicious combo pb and chocolate is! And combining with cookies makes it killer! :D

    1. Made some PB and chocolate cupcakes too, and they were equally yummy!

  9. question from baking idiot: is it possible to do a peanut-butter-AND-jam kind of cookie. am asking cos i'm not the greatest fan of peanut butter, but i do like it paired with jam/jelly (like the goober peanut butter and jelly ones) :D

    1. I tell you what, I bring the cookies and you bring a jar of strawberry or blueberry jam, then we smother it on the cookies. How does that sound? LOL. We can even put on extra peanut butter.

  10. I love the photo with the recipe on it, really nice with the visual and written combined like that!

    1. Thanks. It sometimes helps to be able to see what the writer is talking about.

  11. Ahh I have plenty of peanut butter.. I could use them to make cookies. But then I don't have an electric whisk, so that might be a problem. Any recipes that don't require electric whisk? :)

    1. You have a hand whisk right? You can use that, you just need to beat longer to get it nice and fluffy. I have a cupcake recipe, I think that one doesn't need a whisk, later I will post. :)

  12. aw.. the last pics of the kids are simply too adorable.... and I also am a big fan of Peanut Butter ;0)

    gonna try this with Dylan!

    1. Yeah it will be fun. Though you need to give him a hand when shaping cos the dough is a bit "soft".

  13. I still have some peanut butter here ! Kids , need help mixing cookie dough here ?! lol

    1. No problem Aunty Anne, as long as we get to eat the peanut butter cookies after! ;)

  14. Look at those tiny hands helping mummy make a yummy batch of cookies!! No wonder they look so lovely.

    1. Always great to have them in the kitchen doing fun bakes like this.

  15. Lovely! I need to bake some cookies for the children's day celebration at my girl's kiddie

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