
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Quick Lunch: Soba with soft poached egg in miso soup

I am trying to eat healthy this week since I have been baking lots of rich (fat) cakes and treats for me and my kids for the past few weeks. The noodle addict in me reached out for the packet of soba noodles.

Usually I would make the cold soba since it's simple and delicious, but since I am suffering from a cold, I made a hot soup version instead.

Hot soba with soft poached egg in miso soup

This is equally as quick and delicious as the cold soba. I managed to whip up this bowl of hot soba in under 10 minutes. I first cooked the soba noodles in the miso soup for about 6 minutes and in the meantime, I chopped the scallions and cut the tofu into cubes. Since I was too lazy wanted to cook the egg quickly, I poached it in the miso soup using the Delia Smith method (ie lower the fresh eggs gently into the simmering soup) and it turned out perfect too. I like to add some wakame and nori seaweed to my bowl of noodles too - wakame is said to be good for the skin :P.

Soba with soft poached egg in miso soup
Preparation time: 2-3 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Serves 1

50g soba (I used dried Shinshu soba noodles)
1 tbsp miso paste
1 1/2 cups water
1 spring onion, finely chopped (green parts only)
A small piece tofu, cubed
5g wakame (optional)
1 fresh egg, at room temperature
1 sheet nori seaweed, cut into thin strips
Sesame seeds, for garnish

1. In a small pot over high heat, bring the water to boil and then add the miso paste. Add the soba noodles and cook according to packet instructions (mine took about 6 minutes to cook).

2. Remove the cooked soba and place in bowl.

3. Cook the poached egg using the same miso soup. Break the egg into a small bowl / ramekin. Try to use fresh eggs, at room temperature. Lower to medium low heat (barely simmering) and then lower the eggs into the soup. While they are cooking, you can help the tops cook by basting with some of the hot soup. It should take about 2-3 minutes to cook. Remove with a slotted spoon and place on top of soba noodles.

4. At the same time as cooking the poached egg, you can add the tofu cubes and wakame to the other side of the pot and let it cook for 2-3 minutes. Pour the soup and tofu around the egg, on top of the noodles. Garnish with spring onion, nori, and sesame seeds.  Enjoy!

*This recipe was featured on DailyBuzz- Healthy Living's Top 9: Fill Up on Tofu on 2 November 2012.


  1. Even when you're sick you can still make such an amazing bowl of noodles! Any ordinary Malaysian would have whipped out Maggi instant noodles and be done with it. haha!!

    1. Hehe! It only takes 10 minutes to make, very easy. I try not to eat so much maggi cos it makes my hair drop! :P

  2. Aww I hope you're feeling better soon! And I love the idea of a soft yolked egg with soba-hot or cold :)

    1. Thanks so much. Egg with almost everything is GOOD :)

  3. It's going to rain soon, will be nice to have a bowl of hot soba for dinner! :D

    1. Haha yah, something hot during a rainy day is so comforting.

  4. hope this hot meal helped you feel a bit better and nourish you toward a speedy recovery, ya :D

  5. Wow, a lot of egg posts lately eh? Do you rear chickens at home? Can get fresh eggs all the time. Love this soba dish.

    1. Haha no chickens lah! Wah if got rear chickens here I think I will be more "dahsyat" in my egg consumption. :P

  6. I can't help but to have a laugh at sharon's comments.. hehe but eggs are so versatile and yummy. this soba looks really good and healthy. get well soon

    1. Hahaha my hubby also laughed when he saw her comment, then he ask me "do u wan some chickens for your birthday?"

      Thanks for the well wishes, hope u enjoy ur hols.

  7. This bowl of soup looks really inviting with that egg in there. A perfect lunch.

  8. simple but I am very sure.. truly satisfying! heard you sprained yr ankle too... sorry to hear that but I hope u get well soon!

    1. Thanks Jennifer, it's much better now already :)

  9. Hope you're feeling better! This looks great for a rainy afternoon like this... light and healthy.

    1. Yea, am trying to shed some pounds too, hehe ;P

  10. Yen, what pounds?! Tis soba is a great idea, i will switch from maggi mee :p


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