
Sunday, August 12, 2012

I baked: Vanilla cupcakes with salted egg yolk-custard frosting

Cupcake frosting experiments led me to salted egg yolk next. Since we love salted egg yolk custard pau (steamed buns), I thought that this might work on a cupcake too. Turns out I was right, as the subtle saltiness of the yolk went well with the sweet cupcakes. 

For this recipe, you're only using the egg yolks, hence you can use the salted duck egg whites to stir fry a bittergourd dish. It's very delicious and best of all, no wastage!

I'm loving all the different sort of frostings I can put on my cupcakes.. any weird but delicious suggestions you can think of?

Vanilla cupcakes with salted egg yolk-custard frosting

Yum, says Baby D

Vanilla cupcakes with salted duck egg yolk and custard frosting
Preparation time: 20-30 minutes
Cooking time: 20-25 minutes
Makes 8

For the vanilla cupcakes
110g butter
110g caster sugar
2 eggs, at room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
110g self raising flour, sifted
1-2 tbsp milk

For the frosting
3 salted duck egg yolk, steamed for 7-8 minutes then mashed while hot
10g butter, softened at room temperature
100ml milk
10g custard powder
15g caster sugar
1/2 tsp cornstarch

1. Preheat oven to 190°C. Line 8 muffin cup tray with paper liners.

2. Beat the butter and sugar using an electric whisk for 2 minutes on medium speed until light and fluffy.

3. Add the eggs, one at a time to the butter mixture and beat until smooth.

4. Add in the vanilla essence or extract and mix. Next, add in the flour and beat until incorporated. Finally, add in the milk, 1 tbsp at a time for a smooth mixture.

5. Fill each paper cup until 2/3 full and bake for 20-25 minutes until risen and springy to the touch, and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.

6. Remove from the oven and leave on a wire rack to cool.

10. To make the frosting, first separate the salted duck egg yolks from the white and then steam for 7-8 minutes. Mash while the yolks are hot with the butter.

11. In a saucepan, mix the custard powder, milk, sugar and cornstarch until dissolved. Place the pan over medium low heat and bring mixture to boil, stirring continously until the mixture thickens. Remove from heat and then mix to the salted egg yolk. Put mixture in fridge to firm up.

12. Using a piping bag with a star tip, swirl the frosting on the cupcakes. (I found this a little more difficult to pipe compared to the peanut butter frosting I made the last time since there were lumpy bits - just try to mash the egg yolk as best as you can). Decorate with some white edible pearls.

13. These cupcakes are best eaten on the day they are made since putting in the fridge may create lumps in the frosting.

Full set of photos can be viewed on my Facebook page here. 


  1. Wow, salted egg yolk-custard! Must be very nice! Yummmm.

    1. I like it! I think those ppl who like to eat salted egg yolk crab, prawns or squid may find this nice ;)

  2. Salted egg yolk custard? Love it in those lau sar pao. Yummmm!!!! Creamy, rich...simply delightful!

    1. Hehehehe I like them in the pau that's why I think of incorporating it on a cupcake too.

  3. Salted egg yolk custard on top of a cupcake, this is totally new to me!

    1. If your family is a fan of salted egg yolk, then it is worth trying. :)

  4. Would love to try your cupcake now! I'm surprised that your little one likes the salted egg yolks as my hubby doesn't eat this at all

    1. After adding with the custard, the salted egg yolk taste is quite mild. Subtle saltiness and creamy.

  5. Oh my goodness, this is the most unusual flavour of cupcake frosting I have come across! You are so clever!

    1. Why, thank you. I just took two of my fav ingredients and put them together.

  6. i hear that salted egg yolk works well in macarons too (though i've never managed to try it), so salted egg cupcakes sounds logical too! :D

    1. Ah I've never tried salted egg yolk macarons before but I think the concept is similar.. sweet macs with salty fillings.

  7. try salted egg yolk with dark chocolate cupcakes. chocolate and salt is the bomb.

  8. salted egg yolk-custard frosting?? INTERESTING!!

  9. This is such a brilliant idea! I love those buns made with this filling, this is another great way to eat that filling. Can serve it over vanilla ice cream too, or make salted eggs and custard ice cream :p

  10. Lovely mix of sweet and savoury. Aiks...why didn't invite me over for tea:P

  11. Such a creative recipe! A perfect marriage of Sweet and Savory!


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