
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Warong Kaklong @ Bandar Tun Hussein Onn, Cheras, Selangor

A breakfast fit for champions... 

Nasi lemak with ayam rendang and telur sambal

A food hunt to find fabulous Malaysian street food in Selangor led us to this gem of a place in Bandar Tun Hussein Onn. We were told by locals that Warong Kaklong is a popular breakfast and lunch spot.

Warong Kaklong ("Kak long" translates to big sister in Malay) serves Malay traditional kampong style dishes from 6.30am to 5.00pm daily. In the morning, you will find the delectable Malaysian breakfast, nasi lemak. Other than nasi lemak, you can also find kueh teow goreng, meehoon goreng, nasi goreng (fried rice), ikan goreng, sambal sotong (squid sambal) and ayam goreng (fried chicken).

The vendor was packing nasi lemak non-stop, and customers would buy them by the dozen.. I kid you not. We too wanted a piece of the deliciousness, and ordered a plate of nasi lemak with ayam rendang and telur sambal to share.

Quite a nice variety of food

These were quite popular with the customers.. steamed tapioca and sweet potato.


I see my favorite kuih tepung pelita

She must have packed 100s of this that morning! She worked non-stop..

Rows and rows of nasi lemak.. YUM!

Getting my plate of nasi lemak :)

We knew we were on to something good, as we scooped a spoonful of rice into our mouth - it was fluffy yet firm and aromatic from the use of coconut milk. The sweet-spicy sambal was also very good. I like that they serve the nasi lemak on a banana leaf, which gives out a nice fragrance while you savour your food. The ayam rendang gets a big thumbs up - the chicken was moist and the thick sauce was very flavourful and fragrant with spices. As for the telur sambal, give me 5 of them and I will finish them all - need I say more? This is definitely a breakfast fit for a champion. As Baby D would put it, "BEST - NO.1!"

A really great way to kickstart our morning

Baby D enjoys some of the nasi lemak.. he says No.1 BEST!

Another popular item here is the lempeng pisang, a banana pancake cooked on banana leafs on a flat pan. The sound of the sizzling pan and wonderful aroma makes this hard to resist - chewy on the outside and moist in the centre.  No wonder they sell like hot cakes... literally!

I spotted soto when I walked into the stall and ordered a bowl to try. The vendor recommended that I tried the soto campur, which comes with chicken strips, beef slices, and deep fried beef tripe. The soup was comforting and flavourful, and comes with meehoon (vermicelli), fried chilli, daun sup and sambal. Even Baby D enjoyed slurping the noodles with the broth. YUMS.


By now, we were full, however we couldn't resist a kuih (traditional Malay cakes) or two. I especially liked the kuih tepung pelita,  a kuih made up of layers of smooth coconut milk and rice flour with pandan leaves  in a banana leaf case.  Baby D also loved the sesame ball with green bean filling and chocolate muffin. 

The teh tarik (pulled tea) wasn't too sweet. 

Speaking to the vendors, they have many additional items in the afternoon (starting 12 noon) such as ikan bakar (grilled fish), gulai kawah (a famous curry dish from Kelantan), and ayam goreng berempah. The stall opens til 5pm daily and closes on alternate Mondays.  I can't wait to come back again to try some of their lunch offerings! 

Located opposite this mechanic shop

Another landmark close to the shop... a tower clock

On another visit we came back again for the nasi lemak and I also tried their assam laksa (Penang version). The soup was thick, full of fish flavour and very appetizing. Loved it.

Full set of photos can be viewed on my Facebook page here.


Opening times: 6.30am to 5.00pm daily. Closed on alternate Mondays.

Service: Excellent. The vendors were very friendly and answered all the questions that we had. :)

Price: Cheap. All the above for RM10.20!

Location: Warong Kaklong, Jalan Suasana 2/7A, Bandar Tun Hussein Onn, 43200 Batu 9, Cheras, Selangor. (At McDonalds, go straight to the end, you will see a mechanic shop C&K Auto Services, Warong Kaklong is directly opposite it).

GPS Coordinates: 3.049861, 101.763804


  1. Nasi Lemak wrapped in daun pisang is the best!
    *Can't stop looking at Baby D...he has many cute expressions! & I think he's not really picky on food rite?

    1. Yeah agree - the banana leaf give out such a nice aroma!

      Hehe thanks, yeah Baby D is not very picky with food, usually he will eat anything unless it's not nice, bland or too spicy.

  2. what a perfect entry for selangorlicious! the rows of nasi lemak look so neat and pretty. this warong is closed already for today, but reading this is tempting me to take a drive to kampung baru to tarpau nasi lemak there :D

    1. Thanks Sean! The ladies at this shop were all very friendly. She told us that we can take photos of her nasi lemak once it's all been arranged and put together nicely - she called us over "adik, mari tangkap gambar". :)

  3. Ahhhhhh!!!! My kind of food!!! Would for these anytime!!! But I do get worried when things are all exposed like that though. Wish they would keep everything covered.

    1. Actually they covered their kuih, we took away the plastic cover so that we can take nice photos. As for the other food, they didn't cover because customers kept coming and there was always some sort of action around tht area. I'm sure if no customers, they will cover it.

  4. P.S.
    How much for a plate like that? I hear it is very cheap to eat nasi lemak there...but of course, the more we take from the array of selections, the more expensive it would be. That's to be expected.

    1. I can't remember, I think it's RM4-5 for the nasi lemak. The total bill for everything we ate was RM10.20. The chicken rendang was quite a big piece.

  5. The nasi lemak looks so tempting :P

    1. Hehe I know you like the chicken rendang very much!

  6. would definitely kill for one of these for breakfast right now!

    with 2 sides at least of course... :D

  7. I like kuih tepung pelita as well.
    Oh do they serve peanut sesame ball? Hehehe :P

    1. They have lots of kuih tepung pelita during Ramadan bazaar, do u buy then?

      Didn't see any peanut sesame ball wor.

  8. I love all of the colours on the plate. The dish looks especially beautiful served on the leaf.

  9. Looks great! Love good street food but toomfar formus unfortunately,:p

  10. Seen some posts on this place before. Food looks really good...but I don't fancy places where they leave food in the open, all exposed like that. One can't be too careful about these things.

  11. the bee hoon soup was suck! tasless!

  12. memang sedap nasi lemak dia...murah..rm 0.50...

  13. Kak Long is my neighbour.... very nice lady.... I think the uniqueness of Kak Long's stall are variety of foods served and nasi lemak 50 sen....

  14. Dah pegi tapi syg smua lauk banyak dah habis,so sesape yg nak datang, kne awal nnti berebut,anyway will come back for nasik lemak rm 0.50 dia

  15. Went to this place today. Yes, the have a variety of kuih. I also tried the RM 0.50 nasi lemak. I sorry to say, the taste both of nasi lemak and kuih were quite average. But thanks for recommending. A good choice for cheap food.


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