
Friday, May 4, 2012

Recipe: Homemade fresh mint sauce (great with lamb)

Whenever we have lamb, mint sauce is a must. In the past, we have used store-bought mint sauce, but this time I decided to make my own (since I read somewhere that homemade mint sauce tastes far superior and is quite simple to make).

If you look online, you will find many recipes for mint sauce - using malt vinegar, red wine vinegar or white wine vinegar. However, it is advisable not to use malt vinegar as it is said to overpower the flavour of the lamb. It is better to use a wine vinegar. Since I had red wine vinegar in the pantry, that's what I decided to go with. We also had fresh mint leaves from our herb garden, so that was very handy. 

One word of advice is to make the mint sauce at least 2 hours in advance (some recipes say 20 mins but that's not long enough for the flavours to infuse). When it was first made, I tasted it and it's didn't taste quite right (yet) but after the flavours started to develop (after 2 hours), it tasted really nice and especially good with the roast lamb that we just made. 

Homemade fresh mint sauce
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Serves 4

2 tbsp of fresh mint leaves, finely chopped
2 tsp of brown sugar
2 tbsp of red wine vinegar (or white wine vinegar)
3 tbsp of boiling water
A pinch of salt

1. Place mint leaves in a bowl, add the sugar and pour over the boiling water. Stir well and leave to cool.

2. Stir in the vinegar and salt. Taste and add more salt if required. 

3. Leave to stand for 2 hours in a cool place, and serve in a sauce boat or small ramekin with a spoon. 

The perfect accompaniment to lamb!

Stay tuned for the roast rack of lamb recipe. ;) (will post it soon so those who are interested can still make it for this Sunday's roast)

As promised, click here for the recipe for roast rack of lamb with champ (Irish mashed potatoes) and mint sauce. 


  1. OOo thanks thanks :) Sounds great and easy to make

    1. Yes very easy! Just make sure you make it in advance okay?

  2. This is close to what I make but I'll try your recipe and see which one we like best. Love mint sauce with lamb!

    1. I just read up on some recipes online and tweaked it to my liking! Hope you like it too.

  3. Aha!!! I've mint growing in my garden. Now I can make my own mint sauce, thanks...

    1. You're welcome ;)

      Can also use your mint to make mojito.

  4. yay, looks good. i wonder how many restaurants in kl make their own mint sauce. hmmm...

    1. Not sure, but it is cheaper to make your own than buy for sure.

  5. I'm so jelly that you have a garden. back in my old house, nothing grows. the soil is problematic.

    1. My mother grows them, she has green fingers. The soil here isn't too good either, but somehow my mum makes it work.

  6. Thank you for such an easy recipe! I have a small mint plant growing from a cutting I placed in water a month ago and I was wondering how best to use it, aside from mojitos of course!

  7. How long does it keep in the fridge? :) and could I make a lot and freeze it?


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