
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Macarons & French Cakes @ Les Deux Garcons, Jalan Telawi, Bangsar

So far February is looking to be a sweet sweet month. :)

Today, we talk about Les Deux Garcons, hailed by many as "a piece of Paris in Bangsar". Last November, when Les Deux Garcons opened its doors, there was a lot of buzz about their macarons and French cakes. Obviously my interest was piqued as I love macarons and am always on the search for good macarons.  

A hunting we will go.. 

The shop is situated opposite Cziplee, dressed in stark white, making it stand out amongst the other shops. There are a few (3-4) tables outside the patisserie if you wish to enjoy your cakes/macarons at the premises al fresco. As you step inside, rows and rows of beautiful cakes and macarons greet you.

Hello miss, care to eat me?

There are 11-13 cake selections, made freshly everyday. It was really hard choosing since everything looked so enticing, but in end we settled for the infamous Le Palladio (RM22) and Le Marquis (RM13) for the kids. Though our intention was to come here for macarons, it was the cakes that captured our hearts.

L'aveline (RM12)  

Beautiful creations that tastes very good too!

La Duchesse (RM14)

When I visited, there were 12 macaron flavours on offer, from what the owner Ben told me, they will be rotating 12-14 flavours daily. For the more adventurous, there are flavours such as garlic and olive as well as capsicum and black pepper.. I went for the safer choices, orange campari, truffle, salted caramel, lemon vanilla and wasabi (not so safe I guess) since we were gonna share these with the kids.

Multicolored macarons.. very pretty for sure

A beautiful macaron box redolent of an eye-shadow palette dont you think?

Since we have heard so much about the macarons, we were certainly excited to try them out. They were perfectly formed, very pretty with nice feet and thick creamy filling. BUT... the ones we got just didn't taste right in terms of texture. We got five macarons, and they were all different in texture.. some were crunchy, some were chewy.. it just didn't taste like what we envisaged. I'm not sure if it's because we didnt eat it on the spot (we asked some other bloggers we met there if theirs were ok and they said yeah as they ate it at the premises) and took it home to consume. We always do this with all the macarons that we buy and have never had a problem before. However, we would go back again and retry (eat on the spot).

Anyway the macarons here are priced at RM5 each for the normal ones, and truffle ones are RM9 each. Tastewise, I would say the wasabi and lemon vanilla were the nicer ones.

Leaning tower of macarons..

Wasabi macaron

Winter truffle macaron

Salted caramel - check out the texture :(

The cakes though were very very good. The Le Palladio lived up to its high expectations. It is made up of a crispy almond tart, layered with joconde, vanilla ganache and white truffle mascarpone. Rich and creamy with a delightful scent and unmistakable taste of truffles... oo la la. Luxury in every bite.

LOVE in the form of Le Palladio..

We also loved the Le Marquis, which looks very pretty as well as tasting yummy. Hazelnut dacquoise, crispy feulletine, chocolate cream and 66% dark chocolate mousse.... it reminded me slightly of Ferrero Rocher (mm all things hazelnut/chocolate seem to do that).  I love the crispy base as it balances the lovely, creamy chocolate/hazelnut top. The kids loved it too :)

Some Christmas decor in Bangsar Village (well, now u know how old this post was)

Verdict: Beautiful creations, love the cakes but the macarons were a letdown for us. Will return though to retry the macarons. 

Btw, if you have Facebook and some time to spare, please can you click LIKE on this photo. Thanks very much - truly appreciate it!

Opening times: 12 noon to 8pm daily. 

Full set of photos available to view here.

Location: Les Deux Garcons Patisserie, 36 Jalan Telawi, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel: 03-2284 7833



  1. A piece of Paris... Sounds romantic! Macaron macaron... Should I try them again?? Hmm...
    Anyway, I have "like" your photo :)

    1. Maybe you should try some of the more savoury filling ones.

      And thanks for liking the photo :)

  2. Love their desserts! We went there yesterday again!

    1. Hehe I know. Saw your lovely dessert photos on Instagram :)

  3. Leaning tower of macarons! I like that :-)
    Wow, wasabi macaron... I would never have thought of that combination

    1. Hehe thanks! I love taking photos of macarons.

      Actually wasabi is getting to be a common ingredient in desserts, have seen a few wasabi macarons around and last year Ritz-Carlton KL did a wasabi mooncake.

  4. Wow now they are in Bangsar! MUST try them before I'm off! Perhaps we should meet to taste some cakes too;-)

    1. Oh yes we should! When you wanna go? ;)

      (actually when will rainy season start again cos current weather is definitely too hot for sitting out and enjoying our cakes)

  5. Good on ya for giving the macarons a second try. :D

    Devil and I visit LDG quite often and never had a macaron we didn't love, haha.

    1. That's what everyone keeps telling me. I think I must have been unlucky to get a bad batch :(

    2. Well, to be fair, I do feel everyone has different tastes - one man's meat is another's poison and all that. So that's okay. I will say I took some of their macarons as a gift when we visited Hong Kong last year and our friends from Taipei LOVED them (and Devil & I were initially worried they wouldn't survive the journey).

      So maybe it's not a bad batch - maybe their macarons just aren't your thing. That's perfectly okay. :)

    3. P.S. I meant we were worried the macarons wouldn't survive the journey, NOT our friends from Taipei. :P

    4. Well, to be fair, I do feel everyone has different tastes - one man's meat is another's poison and all that. So that's okay. I will say I took some of their macarons as a gift when we visited Hong Kong last year and our friends from Taipei LOVED them (and Devil & I were initially worried they wouldn't survive the journey).

      So maybe it's not a bad batch - maybe their macarons just aren't your thing. That's perfectly okay. :)

    5. They were definitely not right though. And someone reliable told us the week we went, their chiller broke down.

      May be going there again this week ;)

  6. Should really bring my parents here for cakes. heheh. :D

    1. Since you love truffles, I think you will love Le Palladio. But warning that the sitting area is outside (no a/c).

  7. i really wanna try their desserts lar, a back-off cz you have to sit outside.
    i hope they will expand, with seats in the air-con area...

  8. i'm crossing my fingers that someday, they'll just relocate into bangsar village! then we can enjoy their cakes & coffee in air-conditioned comfort, heheh =)

    1. Oh that would be wonderful! I find BV doesn't have too many good dessert places, hence LDG would be a great addition.

  9. Yes...those macarons do look like an eye shadow palate. ;)

    1. No doubt very pretty macarons, with very well-thought out packaging.

  10. Oh delicious! going to visit there soon! Awesome blog you have here :)


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