
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Announcement: New Photography Blog

Hi all! Just wanted to let you all know that I have a new photography blog which mainly focuses on nature macro photography. Why did I create a separate blog? I wanted to keep Eat Your Heart Out purely as a food / hotel review blog.

Anyway, do visit my photo blog when you have the time and leave a comment or two. Your support means a lot to me:

Baby Sumo Photography (

P.S I have added a link on the right sidebar, just below Contact Me for easy access. :)


  1. awesome! :) wish i have a better camera ><

  2. Isaac: If I'm not mistaken, you're using the S95 right? Can get the same results for that camera one.. trust me :)


Please drop any comments or questions you may have here. Thank you so much for reading!