
Friday, August 26, 2011

Selangorlicious Foodster Blogging Competition 2011 Results & Ramadhan Buffet @ Grand Dorsett Subang Hotel, Selangor

The wait is finally over. The results for the Selangorlicious Foodster Blogging Competition 2011 was announced in a prize giving ceremony in Grand Dorsett Subang Hotel on 25th August 2011.

Here's the full list of winners:

First Prize: Cakap Niaga ("Ayam Kampung Goreng dan Gulai")
Second Prize: Hungry Female ("Pantai Seafood: A Shore Winner")
Third Prize: Rahman Zawawi ("Mee Udang Nakhoda Kg Sungai Ramal Dalam")

Consolation Prizes
- Amir Muhammad ("What Happened When I Didn't Have Enough Cash to Pay for the Nasi Ambeng)
- Sarah Rees ("The Softest Lamb in the World")
- Bart Ahmad ("Reviu Regu: Restoran Panorama")

Best Food Photography: Nigel Low
Photography Runner Up: Baby Sumo
Photography Third Place: Alia Binti Md Ali

Yes, yours truly managed to win a prize in the Best Food Photography category. Thanks to Selangorlicious for picking my photo, am delighted to have won!

Selected entries from the Selangorlicious contest will be published in a Selangor Food Guide, do join their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter for latest updates and events.

"Selangorlicious is Yummylicious," says Mr. Leo Kuscher, the General Manager of Grand Dorsett Subang Hotel.

Pn. Noorul Ashikin, General Manager of Tourism Selangor giving a short speech

All the winners. Congrats to you all and nice to have met you :)

After the prize giving ceremony, we were treated to the Ramadan Buka Puasa buffet in the Grand Selangor Ballroom. With over 100 home-cooked local favourites, hawker fare, Oriental delights as well as Western food, we were spoilt for choice.

Stalls / food stations set up outside the Grand Selangor Ballroom

The sup campur was my favorite of the evening. Hearty and delicious, this soup was packed full of beefy goodness. I helped myself to as much meat/tripe/liver as I liked, sprinkled some daun sup, chilli soy sauce and bawang goreng (fried shallots) and voila... a soup you'd wanna keep eating.

Check out this bad boy... the sup gearbox, also known as bone marrow soup. Why the name? I guess the bone marrow resembles the car's gearbox in some ways. You have to be early to be able to get your hands on one of these since they get snapped up very quickly by the diners. They all know a good thing when they see one! I got to witness one of our fellow diners suck out the bone marrow (the best bit!) out of the girgantum bone! So remember, if you wanna get your hands on one, be early.

Lamb.... how can one resist this at a Ramadan buffet. One of the most popular food station in this Ramadan buffet, it comes as no surprise since the meat was tender and flavoursome. I think I saw a total of 3 whole lambs being served that evening. What a lotta meat!

Roast lamb

I was amazed when I saw the size of the grilled ikan merah and siakap on offer.. they must have been at least 1/2 metre long. There is also ikan bakar and satay available here.

Giant grilled fish

Rusuk Kambing Vindaloo


Udang Masak Lemak Cili Padi

Colorful Nasi Hujan Panas

Sotong Masala

Roti Bom

Satay and popiah.. yummy!

We tried out a huge range of food here... I liked the rusuk kambing vindaloo, a dry lamb/mutton curry. The roast beef was also nice, I managed to get some medium cooked bits and it was delicious. We also enjoyed the chicken shawarma, an Arabic wrap of shaved chicken and a mixture of vegetables such as onion, cucumber and tomato. The pasta and Japanese tempura station seemed to be very popular with the diners.

Chicken shawarma

And end the meal with some sweet desserts such as kuih koci, mango pudding, tapai, and an assortment of cakes. Fresh fruits is also available with interesting varieties such as mata kucing and pulasan (similar to rambutan).


For those interested in trying the Ramadan Buffet, it is priced at RM95++ per person. Note there is a 50% discount on the last week of Ramadhan.

Full set of photos available to view here.

Location: Grand Dorsett Subang Hotel (formerly Sheraton Subang Hotel & Towers), Jalan SS12/1, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Tel: 03-5031 6060


  1. oooh, congrats to both you and hungry female. this year, prizes for a selangor contest, and maybe next year or the year after that, prizes for a national contest! :D

  2. Wow, congrats, keep up the good work!

  3. CONGRATS CONGRATS!! ya...keep up the good work then we all can read more abt good food! =)

  4. Congratulations Yen your hard work has paid off.

  5. Congratulation to all winners! =)


  6. Yay High Fives! It was a fun night:) Love the pic of the gearbox!

  7. Congrats! Which photo of yours won?

  8. Thanks all for yr wishes and yr continued support. Will continue my efforts in sharing both good and bad food experiences in KL.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Congratulations! Good for you :) *happy*

  11. Congrats of winning in Selangorlicious!


Please drop any comments or questions you may have here. Thank you so much for reading!