
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hubby's Birthday Cake: Baked with Love

The all-in-one chocolate cake is by far the most successful cake I have baked. I first made this for my daughter's 2nd birthday party and it proved to be a hit with our guests. Just before Hubby's birthday, I asked him what cake he wanted and he requested for this one.

Moist chocolate cake with thick layers of whipped cream.. what's not to love?

I tweaked the recipe and method very slightly for some things I wasn't too pleased with the first time. The cake turned out much better this time, so I was chuffed to bits! Hubby was also delighted with his birthday cake. Mission accomplished! :)

The original recipe can be found here, and these are the 4 changes you should be aware of:

1. Only base-line the sandwich tins (see Step 1) and not the entire tin or else your cakes will turns out wonky and misshapen at the side.

2. For the ganache icing, I halved the original amount this time (50g butter and 50g dark chocolate) and still found that there was too much icing. Next time, I would use only 30g of each.

3. I used 300g of whipping cream last time, and thought that it would be nicer with more cream. So, this time I used 450g of whipping cream. So so decadent!

Creamy pleasure

4. I placed the cake into the fridge after I sandwiched the cakes with the whipped cream (see Step 8) but before I poured the ganache over. Refridgerate the cake for 1-2 hours, then pour the ganache over. It will be slightly runny at first, but leave it for about 5-10 minutes and you will see that it has hardened slightly and has formed a nice thin layer on the cake.


  1. Love is the ultimate ingredient for this cake. It makes all the difference! :) Happy Birthday to your husband.

  2. that looks magnificently delicious, really! my favorite cakes are the ones that are rich and gooey, so i have a hunch that i'd love it! hurry up and open your cafe already (and yes, i'd visit it even if it were in cheras!) :D

  3. Lots of whipped cream = lots of love. Yummy.

  4. Sean: I have to meet up with my "investors" first and see if they will give me money to start up the cafe :P

  5. Quirky: The whipped cream is definitely the best part of the cake :)

  6. wah, I love whipped cream too!!!! Can I pre-order 1 for my birthday :P

  7. Choi Yen: Hehe try to make it yourself la.. very easy only :P


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